Choosing a Topic for Your Book - Use Your Power of Observation
Look around you. What are you interested in? Reflect a moment on issues you and others have resolved. Consider that a topic for your book can begin from a problem that you or an acquaintance once solved. Readers are very interested in learning how others resolved issues that they are experiencing.
Next, think about the problems in your
World Tourism life and those you know and list them. Do you have a friend who lost his or her job? What about your niece's chicken pox? What was done to resolve the problem? At the same time you can make a list of the problems not resolved in your area of the globe. You can also write down problems you regret not resolving. These are problems that interest people.
Perfect books are formed from open issues. It is not as important to know the solution as it is to be able to choose the topic. This is because you maybe do not have to write the book -- someone else can do that. Take a few minutes to Google some topics too.
An advantage of the Internet is that you can determine what people are searching for at any point in time. You can find just about anything can be found on a Google, Yahoo! ®, or Mamma. com search. All you need to do is enter search phrases such as "best-selling non-fiction topics, " "popular how-to manuals, " "top concerns in America, " or "top worries in 2007. "
At the same time on the Internet you can discover what non-fiction books on Amazon, the New York Times Bestseller List, and Google are the most popular. You will be able to determine precisely what folks are buying at the present time. and from the home page click on "Top Sellers" on the tabbed menu at the top of the page.
It is evident that people who buy on Amazon. com buy non-fiction books on such subjects as making more money or self-help books for better lives. This confirms that the quickest path to making profits on e-books is to write e-books on non-fiction topics. And why is this? Well, those preferring to get comfortable in a chair are usually the ones who read fiction. These are the same folk who will sit around a kitchen table with cheese and wine and browse the books. The books purchased by fiction readers are usually the ones they have heard of before and from authors they know. Fiction can be somewhat more complex in writing and delivery. Many e-books that are fictional classics are free as well and ready to download. So unless you are into risk-taking with books, stay with the non-fictional type.
If you are not aware of this, you will be very happy to know that there are no copyrights on ideas. So there is no need to worry if you see or read an idea in an e-book, you can use that for your own ebook. That means in the Amazon. com bestseller list, you can author your own ebooks around like ideas.
How ideas are presented are protected by copyright law, which means that the author you use to write the book must not straight copy the text. The wording in the title must be changed as well. However you are free to write another ebook as long as you change the voice -- even if it is on the same subject. Just like non-fat ice cream, you don't have to worry about illegalities. And remember that the best way to get hints for topics is to see what is best selling.